Wholesale Sunglasses Blog

  • Why Guest Posting Should Be Part of Your SEO Strategy

    Competing in the modern era requires having an online presence. But just building a website alone is not enough. People need to find your website whether you are selling sunglasses or shoes. They cannot buy your sunglasses if they can't find your site. Enter SEO. There are many effective SEO strategies you should be utilizing, including guest posting. Guest posts don't get enough attention from a ...

  • How Much Do Your Customers Know About Sunglasses?

    Marketing is a key aspect of any retail business. Designer sunglasses are no exception. And these days, digital marketing is where it's at. If you are not winning the digital marketing game, you're not competing very effectively against other retailers. In light of that, here is a question for you: how much do your customers know about sunglasses? The question is relevant if you understand how v...

  • Eyewear Shopping Tips You Can Share with Customers

    Marketing is always tricky business. You have to walk the fine line between reaching customers with helpful messaging and making your messages so sales oriented that customers are turned off. Getting it right is not always easy. However, it is hard to go wrong by offering customers helpful tips – especially when these come from reputable sources. We have come up with some eyewear shopping tips y...

  • People Will Lose Their Sunglasses this Summer: Here's How

    It is an annual rite of passage experienced every summer: losing a favorite pair of sunglasses. It happens every year. Your neighbor will spend a ton of money on a pair of high-end designer sunglasses from a company like Oakley, only to find himself in tears when they go missing. Meanwhile, your coworker will not realize how much she loves her Prada shades until she can't find them. We are all abo...

  • Top Men's Sunglasses Trends for Spring 2022

    The holidays have long been over. Valentine's day is in the rear-view mirror, as is President's Day. That can only mean one thing: spring is on the doorstep. With every new spring season there is an opportunity to reach a whole new set of customers looking for the designer sunglasses your retail operation is known for. Are you ready for the annual spring rush? Here's hoping you already have your...

  • How Social Is Your Social Media Strategy?

    It goes without saying that the most successful marketers in the internet age utilize every available tool, including social media. Yet social media has its limits. It can only do so much for your business, and only if you know how to use it. That leads to a question that will form the basis of this post: how social is your social media strategy? Here at Olympic Eyewear, our business model estab...

  • How Well Do Your Wholesalers Do These 3 Things?

    The process of getting consumer goods into the hands of actual consumers is lengthy and somewhat complicated. Where wholesale sunglasses are concerned, it starts with the manufacturers who make all the parts. Those parts then have to be assembled before being packaged and put into the supply chain. It could be months before a pair of sunglasses actually makes it to a retailer's shelf. As a ret...

  • Tips for Adding Designer Sunglasses to Your Store

    Every now and again we field inquiries from retailers who are looking to add designer sunglasses to their stores. Sunglasses are not their main gig, but they realize the value of adding them to existing inventory. If this scenario describes why you are visiting the Olympic Eyewear website, we want to welcome you aboard. As a provider of wholesale sunglasses, we take great pride in giving retailers...

  • The Top 2 Reasons You Should Be Selling Kid's Sunglasses

    Here at Olympic Eyewear, we don't limit our inventory exclusively to products for adults. We also sell inexpensive kid's sunglasses in bulk. Moreover, we sell them for the same reasons you should be selling them in your online or brick-and-mortar store. If you are not selling kid's sunglasses, why not? Some people think of kid's sunglasses as a niche product with limited appeal. That may have be...

  • Important January Tasks for Your Retail Business

    It's all hands on deck as you and your staff navigate the annual Christmas shopping season. As good as the season has hopefully been for you, January is on its way. Feel free to take the first few days to catch your breath. But after that, it will be time to get back to work. There are some important tasks you would do well to complete before the calendar turns to February. Tasks typically compl...