Selling Sunglasses

  • Keyword Research and Its Relationship to Selling Sunglasses

    How much do you know about keyword research as a selling tool? How much do you know about its relationship to selling sunglasses? Here is hoping you know enough that this post will serve as little more than a refresher. But if not, you are about to learn something particularly important about selling in the modern marketplace. One of our goals here at Olympic Eyewear is to help you sell more sungl...

  • What to Know Before Selling Sunglasses Online

    You have come to our website because you have a fantastic business idea that we can help you with. You are planning to buy bulk sunglasses from Olympic Eyewear and then sell them online. As a distributor of wholesale sunglasses, we are behind you 100%. But before you jump, make sure you have considered every angle. There is good money to be made selling designer sunglasses for men and women onli...

  • Why Sunglasses Are Great E-commerce Products

    Have you seen any of those online guides explaining how you can earn tens of thousands of dollars per month in ecommerce? Some of the claims made in those guides are a bit too much to swallow, yet the authors do make some valid points. For example, choosing the products you want to sell matters a lot. Choose the wrong product and you could be wasting your time. That brings us to the products we ...

  • Tips for Improving In Person Sunglasses Sales

    While a significant number of the retailers who buy wholesale sunglasses from Olympic Eyewear sell exclusively online, we know that some of you sell in brick-and-mortar environments. You operate downtown boutiques, mall kiosks, and flea market booths. You have the advantage of speaking with your customers face-to-face. Are you taking advantage of those opportunities? Are you engaging with your cus...