Wholesale Sunglasses Blog

  • Sunglasses in 2018: 5 Trends to Keep an Eye On

    Our role as a designer and wholesale provider of quality sunglasses requires us to stay abreast of coming trends. We have to be on the cutting edge in the design and manufacturing departments in order to make sure we are ready to go with the styles customers want. With that in mind, things look like they could get interesting in 2018. There is no doubt that eyewear styles are driven by a combina...

  • How to Sell Sunglasses at Pop-Up Shops

    There are lots of different business models for selling sunglasses. At Olympic Eyewear, our business model involves offering bulk sunglasses for sale to retailers who turn around and sell them online, in boutiques, at pharmacies, etc. One business model that seems to be growing in popularity is the pop-up shop. Yes, you can make a very good business out of focusing exclusively on pop-ups. By def...

  • 5 Promo Ideas for Eyewear Retailers

    You started a business selling discount sunglasses at a local retail center. Things have been going okay, but your store isn't generating the kind of traffic you were hoping for. What can you do? It sounds like you need a little bit of promotion. You need to give people a reason to come in and check out your discount sunglasses. Retail is a form of business that requires constant promotion. Becaus...

  • Customer Service: As Important as Inexpensive Sunglasses in Bulk

    Olympic Eyewear would never turn away a new client looking for inexpensive sunglasses in bulk to stock a brand-new retail enterprise. The market for sunglasses is big enough to accommodate a lot more vendors than are currently active. Still, there is more to succeeding in business than stocking a store with products and then hoping customers will come and buy them. If we had to name the most imp...

  • #1 Reason to Sell Sunglasses: People Want Them

    We have built a successful business on the premise that people both need and want sunglasses. They need sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sun's harmful UV rays, and they want sunglasses that reflect their sense of personal style and individuality. Thus, our designer brands are sold across the country by retailers who buy from us at attractive wholesale prices. Can you succeed as a retailer...

  • Another Legit Reason to Wear Sunglasses Indoors

    Not long ago, we published a couple of blogs and guest posts talking about people who wear sunglasses for medical reasons. We talked about U2 singer Bono, for example, who wears tinted sunglasses due to suffering from glaucoma. NFL coach Tony Sparano is another prolific wearer of sunglasses thanks to an injury he suffered as a teen. In light of that, we recently became aware of another medical con...

  • Tips for Adjusting Sunglasses That Slip

    Those steamy summer days between July and August are the days when your customers need their sunglasses the most. They are also the days when perspiration can make it nearly impossible to keep a pair of sunglasses on your face without them slipping. No worries though, there are ways to get around the slipping. You might be a retailer that offers free adjustments. Your profit margin is high enough ...

  • Marketing Sunglasses Beyond Store Shelves

    Every day, Olympic Eyewear has the pleasure of working with retailers who purchase wholesale sunglasses from us with the intent of selling them at boutiques, pop-up shops, and flea markets. It is a great business model that a lot of people make a living on. Still, retailers do not have to settle for sales confined to store shelves. There are other ways to market sunglasses to move them in much lar...

  • Sunglasses Do Not Have to be Expensive to Look Good

    Olympic Eyewear gets a lot of questions about how we can sell fashion sunglasses so cheaply. Such questions are based on the assumption that cheap sunglasses do not sell well on the retail market; that retailers would never buy from us because they know that cheap doesn't sell. But all those assumptions are wrong. In fact, the opposite is true. Sunglasses do not have to be expensive to sell. We ...

  • 3 Things to Know about the Toothpaste Repair

    How maddening is it to invest in a great pair of designer sunglasses only to scratch them a few weeks later? Scratched lenses are a big problem for sunglasses for obvious reasons. As a result, people are always looking for ways to remove those scratches. Have you heard about the toothpaste repair? It is one of the more common ways individuals try to get rid of lens scratches. You may have even dis...