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Selling in the Era of Corona: Pairing Sunglasses with Masks

Nov 05, 2020 Olympic Eyewear


As a retailer, you make your money by purchasing bulk sunglasses at wholesale prices only to turn around and sell them at retail. It is a great business model. But here's a secret: you don't have to limit your sales to sunglasses alone. In fact, we encourage retailers to find creative ways to sell more inventory by adding to what they offer. In the era of coronavirus, there are plenty of cross-selling opportunities.

For example, have you considered pairing designer sunglasses with custom-made face masks? Both products serve valuable medical purposes. Sunglasses protect the eyes while face masks are thought to inhibit the spread of disease. There is a built-in marketing campaign right there.

The New Face Mask Reality

Do not misunderstand the point of this post. We are not trying to belittle the seriousness of coronavirus or wearing face masks in public. Yet all of us who own businesses have a responsibility to ourselves and our employees to keep things going. Our businesses have to continue selling product if we are going to survive.

The fact is that we are living in a new reality governed by physical distancing and masks. Many states have statewide mask mandates in effect, mandates that will remain in effect for the foreseeable future. And where there are no state mandates, individual counties and cities may have their own mandates in place.

It is hard to imagine all of those mandates being dropped as we head into the autumn months. Autumn is when colds, flues, and other viral infections start to pick up. So it stands to reason that face masks will be in play at least through next spring. And as long as people are going to buy masks, you might just as well be the retailer they purchase them from.

Match Colors and Styles

So, how do you pair sunglasses with face masks effectively? One thing you can do is focus on color themes. Maybe you already purchase gold or yellow sunglasses in bulk from us. Look around for masks that highlight those same colors. Maybe a pair of yellow cat eyes and a white and yellow mask with smiley faces. Sell them together.

You could also do something with style. Where cat eyes offer a lot more room for audacious masks, classic black wayfarers would dictate a more reserved mask style. You could go for the trendy Men in Black look by pairing wayfarers with a simple, non-embellished black mask.

Look for the Opportunities

Few would argue that the coronavirus crisis has done a number on the economy. It has certainly impacted retail, especially that portion of retail that caters to travel and tourism. But do not let coronavirus win this one. There are still opportunities out there for your business. You just have to look for them.

Corona or no corona, your customer's eyes are still subject to UV damage. Wearing sunglasses outdoors is still a good idea even when people are physically distancing. As a retailer, you are selling just what your customers need. The point of this post is to encourage you to go one step further. They need face masks just as much as sunglasses. Sell them.

In the meantime, our inventory of wholesale discount sunglasses remains as strong as ever. We have a full variety of colors, styles, and price points to satisfy your needs as a retailer. Feel free to look around and see what you can find. As we head into the autumn months, remember to start thinking about your winter inventory. You will need to start ordering soon.

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