Olympic Eyewear Offers Bulk Sunglasses for Men

Oct 16, 2014 Olympic Eyewear


Today's sunglasses are edgy, modern, sophisticated and upscale. Easy to mix and match with a variety of styles, wholesale sunglasses for men make up a significant portion of today's retail accessory department.

When selecting the right bulk sunglasses for men, consider the following tips.

  • Should men wear sunglasses indoors at night? The answer is probably no. Generally, the acceptable time frame for wearing sunglasses indoors at night is a mere 30 seconds.
  • Does the frame size matter? Yes, while oversize styles are the latest fashion trend, these can often dwarf features and be unflattering on certain facial shapes. Opt for a size that works best with personal facial shapes, features and contours.
  • What styles look best with round faces? The best bulk sunglasses for round faces are square, angular frames, which help balance out roundness.
  • Are mirrored lenses the way to go? While mirrored lenses have their place, remember that during long conversations, it can often be awkward for the other person in the conversation to be staring at their own reflections.
  • Should glasses and shoes match? The general rule of thumb is yes. Matching the color of frames to shoes gives men's outfits an upscale look that is attractive, yet subtle.
  • Should men wear sunglasses on top of their head? For men that do not own pockets, it is acceptable to wear sunglasses on top of their heads. If they are simply using it as a fashion accessory statement, it is best to avoid this look.
  • Is it ever acceptable to wear sunglasses upside down? Simple answer – no.
  • What is on trend with designer wholesale sunglasses this season? Retro trends are in style this season. Far from the tech-style accessories from the 1990s, these sunglasses are universally flattering and are essential for making the ultimate fashion statements. Tortoiseshell sunglasses are popular among smaller frames, too.
  • Should I ever throw away my sunglasses? Considering that sunglasses come into style again nearly every decade, it is best to keep extra sunglasses. Granted, designers may come out with new popular colors, so men can determine if they would prefer a new set or want to sport authentic vintage-style designs. It is also important to keep in mind that designers come out with the latest types of UV protection every year, so it is always important to put eye health first.

Olympic Eyewear offers a substantial inventory of men's bulk sunglasses. These popular designs are universally trendy and are hand picked by a team of experts that analyze the latest brand and fashion styles. These sunglasses are affordable and retailers can easily resell each pair for substantial profits. Sunglasses are the perfect accessory for department stores, boutiques, sporting good stores, mall kiosks, convenience stores and any other type of retailer that wants to boost profit margin sales.

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